Ryan Welsh, 10, of Hazleton takes a seat in chair made of ice that is also an ice sculpture created for Hazleton's "First Night" celebration on New Year's Eve.
The fine folks at the Arena Bar & Grill are celebrating their 7th anniversary in business this week. The cake creating gurus at Charm City Cakes in Baltimore, MD (perhaps you are familiar with their acclaimed television show "Ace Of Cakes" on the Food Network) made an anniversary cake in the fashion of a beer tap for the ABG's upcoming anniversary party (I believe it was Dec. 12). The beer tap cake will be featured in an upcoming episode of "Ace Of Cakes" but not sure when that is? Possibly not for several months is what the owners of ABG tell me. Stay tuned! Here are a few shots of the cake.
Made this for dinner Thursday night. Stuffed with lemon wedges, garlic and rosemary. Goat cheese under the skin. Roasted in oven for an hour, maybe a smidge over. 2/3 the way into cooking at 375 degrees then the last 10 minutes upped the temp to 400 to help brown up the skin. Served with smashed red skin potatoes and fresh steamed green beans. Meal turned out GREAT!